/*! * multiscroll.js 0.1.7 Beta * https://github.com/alvarotrigo/multiscroll.js * @license MIT licensed * * Copyright (C) 2016 alvarotrigo.com - A project by Alvaro Trigo */ (function($, window, document, Math, undefined) { $.fn.multiscroll = function(options) { var MS = $.fn.multiscroll; var autoScrollTimer; // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided options = $.extend({ 'verticalCentered' : true, 'scrollingSpeed': 700, 'easing': 'easeInQuart', 'menu': false, 'sectionsColor': [], 'anchors':[], 'navigation': false, 'navigationPosition': 'right', 'navigationColor': '#000', 'navigationTooltips': [], 'loopBottom': false, 'loopTop': false, 'css3': false, 'paddingTop': 0, 'paddingBottom': 0, 'fixedElements': null, 'normalScrollElements': null, 'keyboardScrolling': true, 'touchSensitivity': 5, 'autoScroll': false, 'autoScrollTime': 5000, // Custom selectors 'sectionSelector': '.ms-section', 'leftSelector': '.ms-left', 'rightSelector': '.ms-right', //events 'afterLoad': null, 'onLeave': null, 'afterRender': null, 'afterResize': null }, options); //Defines the delay to take place before being able to scroll to the next section //BE CAREFUL! Not recommened to change it under 400 for a good behavior in laptops and //Apple devices (laptops, mouses...) var scrollDelay = 600; var isTouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints)); // adding class namef for right and left blocks if (options.rightSelector !== '.ms-right') { $(options.rightSelector).addClass('ms-right'); } if (options.leftSelector !== '.ms-left') { $(options.leftSelector).addClass('ms-left'); } if (options.autoScroll) { autoScrollTimer = window.setInterval(function () { MS.moveSectionDown(); }, options.autoScrollTime); } var numberSections = $('.ms-left').find('.ms-section').length; var isMoving = false; var nav; var windowHeight = $(window).height(); addMouseWheelHandler(); addTouchHandler(); //if css3 is not supported, it will use jQuery animations if(options.css3){ options.css3 = support3d(); } $('html, body').css({ 'overflow' : 'hidden', 'height' : '100%' }); //adding class names to each sections if (options.sectionSelector !== '.ms-section') { $(options.sectionSelector).each(function(){ $(this).addClass('ms-section'); }); } //creating the navigation dots if (options.navigation) { $('body').append('
'); nav = $('#multiscroll-nav'); nav.css('color', options.navigationColor); nav.addClass(options.navigationPosition); } $('.ms-right, .ms-left').css({ 'width': '50%', 'position': 'absolute', 'height': '100%', '-ms-touch-action': 'none' }); $('.ms-right').css({ 'right': '1px', //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23675457/chrome-and-opera-creating-small-padding-when-using-displaytable 'top': '0', '-ms-touch-action': 'none', 'touch-action': 'none' }); $('.ms-left').css({ 'left': '0', 'top': '0', '-ms-touch-action': 'none', 'touch-action': 'none' }); $('.ms-left .ms-section, .ms-right .ms-section').each(function(){ var sectionIndex = $(this).index(); if(options.paddingTop || options.paddingBottom){ $(this).css('padding', options.paddingTop + ' 0 ' + options.paddingBottom + ' 0'); } if (typeof options.sectionsColor[sectionIndex] !== 'undefined') { $(this).css('background-color', options.sectionsColor[sectionIndex]); } if (typeof options.anchors[sectionIndex] !== 'undefined') { $(this).attr('data-anchor', options.anchors[sectionIndex]); } if(options.verticalCentered){ addTableClass($(this)); } //only for the left panel if($(this).closest('.ms-left').length && options.navigation) { var link = ''; if(options.anchors.length){ link = options.anchors[sectionIndex]; } var tooltip = options.navigationTooltips[sectionIndex]; if(typeof tooltip === 'undefined'){ tooltip = ''; } if (options.navigation) { nav.find('ul').append('
  • '); } } }); //inverting the right panel $('.ms-right').html( $('.ms-right').find('.ms-section').get().reverse()); $('.ms-left .ms-section, .ms-right .ms-section').each(function(){ var sectionIndex = $(this).index(); $(this).css({ 'height': '100%' }); if(!sectionIndex && options.navigation ){ //activating the navigation bullet nav.find('li').eq(sectionIndex).find('a').addClass('active'); } }).promise().done(function(){ //if no active section is defined, the 1st one will be the default one if(!$('.ms-left .ms-section.active').length){ $('.ms-right').find('.ms-section').last().addClass('active'); $('.ms-left').find('.ms-section').first().addClass('active'); } //vertical centered of the navigation + first bullet active if(options.navigation){ nav.css('margin-top', '-' + (nav.height()/2) + 'px'); } $.isFunction( options.afterRender ) && options.afterRender.call( this); //scrolling to the defined active section and adjusting right and left panels silentScroll(); //setting the class for the body element setBodyClass(); $(window).on('load', function() { scrollToAnchor(); }); }); //detecting any change on the URL to scroll to the given anchor link //(a way to detect back history button as we play with the hashes on the URL) $(window).on('hashchange', hashChangeHandler); function hashChangeHandler(){ var value = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var sectionAnchor = value; if(sectionAnchor.length){ var section = $('.ms-left').find('[data-anchor="'+sectionAnchor+'"]'); var isFirstScrollMove = (typeof lastScrolledDestiny === 'undefined' ); if (isFirstScrollMove || sectionAnchor !== lastScrolledDestiny){ scrollPage(section); } } }; /** * Sliding with arrow keys, both, vertical and horizontal */ $(document).keydown(keydownHandler); var keydownId; function keydownHandler(e) { clearTimeout(keydownId); var activeElement = $(document.activeElement); if(!activeElement.is('textarea') && !activeElement.is('input') && !activeElement.is('select') && options.keyboardScrolling){ var keyCode = e.which; //preventing the scroll with arrow keys & spacebar & Page Up & Down keys var keyControls = [40, 38, 32, 33, 34]; if($.inArray(keyCode, keyControls) > -1){ e.preventDefault(); } keydownId = setTimeout(function(){ onkeydown(e); },150); } } /** * Sliding with arrow keys, both, vertical and horizontal */ function onkeydown(e){ var shiftPressed = e.shiftKey; switch (e.which) { //up case 38: case 33: MS.moveSectionUp(); break; //down case 32: //spacebar if(shiftPressed){ MS.moveSectionUp(); break; } case 40: case 34: MS.moveSectionDown(); break; //Home case 36: MS.moveTo(1); break; //End case 35: MS.moveTo( $('.ms-left .ms-section').length); break; default: return; // exit this handler for other keys } } /** * Disabling any action when pressing of the mouse wheel (Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari) */ $(document).mousedown(function(e) { if(e.button == 1){ e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); function navClickHandler(e) { e.preventDefault(); var index = $(this).parent().index(); scrollPage($('.ms-left .ms-section').eq(index)); } //navigation action $(document).on('click', '#multiscroll-nav a', navClickHandler); function navMouseEnterHandler() { var tooltip = $(this).data('tooltip'); $('
    ' + tooltip + '
    ').hide().appendTo($(this)).fadeIn(200); } function navMouseLeaveHandler() { $(this).find('.multiscroll-tooltip').fadeOut(200, function() { $(this).remove(); }); } //navigation tooltips $(document).on({ mouseenter: navMouseEnterHandler, mouseleave: navMouseLeaveHandler }, '#multiscroll-nav li'); if(options.normalScrollElements){ $(document).on('mouseenter', options.normalScrollElements, function () { MS.setMouseWheelScrolling(false); }); $(document).on('mouseleave', options.normalScrollElements, function(){ MS.setMouseWheelScrolling(true); }); } //when resizing the site, we adjust the heights of the sections $(window).on('resize', doneResizing); /** * When resizing is finished, we adjust the slides sizes and positions */ function doneResizing() { windowHeight = $(window).height(); $('.ms-tableCell').each(function() { $(this).css({ height: getTableHeight($(this).parent()) }); }); silentScroll(); $.isFunction( options.afterResize ) && options.afterResize.call( this); } function silentScroll(){ //moving the right section to the bottom if(options.css3){ transformContainer($('.ms-left'), 'translate3d(0px, -' + $('.ms-left').find('.ms-section.active').position().top + 'px, 0px)', false); transformContainer($('.ms-right'), 'translate3d(0px, -' + $('.ms-right').find('.ms-section.active').position().top + 'px, 0px)', false); }else{ $('.ms-left').css('top', -$('.ms-left').find('.ms-section.active').position().top ); $('.ms-right').css('top', -$('.ms-right').find('.ms-section.active').position().top ); } } MS.moveSectionUp = function(){ var prev = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active').prev('.ms-section'); if(!prev.length && options.loopTop){ prev = $('.ms-left .ms-section').last(); } if (prev.length) { scrollPage(prev); } }; MS.moveSectionDown = function (){ var next = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active').next('.ms-section'); if(!next.length && options.loopBottom ){ next = $('.ms-left .ms-section').first(); } if(next.length){ scrollPage(next); } }; MS.moveTo = function (section){ var destiny = ''; if(isNaN(section)){ destiny = $('.ms-left [data-anchor="'+section+'"]'); }else{ destiny = $('.ms-left .ms-section').eq( (section -1) ); } scrollPage(destiny); }; function scrollPage(leftDestination){ var leftDestinationIndex = leftDestination.index(); var rightDestination = $('.ms-right').find('.ms-section').eq( numberSections -1 - leftDestinationIndex); var rightDestinationIndex = numberSections - 1 - leftDestinationIndex; var anchorLink = leftDestination.data('anchor'); var activeSection = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active'); var leavingSection = activeSection.index() + 1; var yMovement = getYmovement(leftDestination); //preventing from activating the MouseWheelHandler event //more than once if the page is scrolling isMoving = true; var topPos = { 'left' : leftDestination.position().top, 'right': rightDestination.position().top }; rightDestination.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); leftDestination.addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); setURLHash(anchorLink); // Use CSS3 translate functionality or... if (options.css3){ //callback (onLeave) $.isFunction(options.onLeave) && options.onLeave.call(this, leavingSection, (leftDestinationIndex + 1), yMovement); var translate3dLeft = 'translate3d(0px, -' + topPos['left'] + 'px, 0px)'; var translate3dRight = 'translate3d(0px, -' + topPos['right'] + 'px, 0px)'; transformContainer($('.ms-left'), translate3dLeft, true); transformContainer($('.ms-right'), translate3dRight, true); setTimeout(function () { //callback (afterLoad) $.isFunction(options.afterLoad) && options.afterLoad.call(this, anchorLink, (leftDestinationIndex + 1)); setTimeout(function () { isMoving = false; }, scrollDelay); }, options.scrollingSpeed); }else{ //callback (onLeave) $.isFunction(options.onLeave) && options.onLeave.call(this, leavingSection, (leftDestinationIndex + 1), yMovement); $('.ms-left').animate({ 'top': -topPos['left'] }, options.scrollingSpeed, options.easing, function(){ $.isFunction(options.afterLoad) && options.afterLoad.call(this, anchorLink, (leftDestinationIndex + 1)); setTimeout(function () { isMoving = false; }, scrollDelay); }); $('.ms-right').animate({ 'top': -topPos['right'] }, options.scrollingSpeed, options.easing); } //flag to avoid callingn `scrollPage()` twice in case of using anchor links lastScrolledDestiny = anchorLink; activateMenuElement(anchorLink); activateNavDots(anchorLink, leftDestinationIndex); } /** * Removes the auto scrolling action fired by the mouse wheel and tackpad. * After this function is called, the mousewheel and trackpad movements won't scroll through sections. */ function removeMouseWheelHandler(){ if (document.addEventListener) { document.removeEventListener('mousewheel', MouseWheelHandler, false); //IE9, Chrome, Safari, Oper document.removeEventListener('wheel', MouseWheelHandler, false); //Firefox } else { document.detachEvent("onmousewheel", MouseWheelHandler); //IE 6/7/8 } } /** * Adds the auto scrolling action for the mouse wheel and tackpad. * After this function is called, the mousewheel and trackpad movements will scroll through sections */ function addMouseWheelHandler(){ if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("mousewheel", MouseWheelHandler, false); //IE9, Chrome, Safari, Oper document.addEventListener("wheel", MouseWheelHandler, false); //Firefox } else { document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", MouseWheelHandler); //IE 6/7/8 } } /** * Detecting mousewheel scrolling * * http://blogs.sitepointstatic.com/examples/tech/mouse-wheel/index.html * http://www.sitepoint.com/html5-javascript-mouse-wheel/ */ function MouseWheelHandler(e) { // cross-browser wheel delta e = window.event || e; var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.deltaY || -e.detail))); if (!isMoving) { //if theres any # //scrolling down? if (delta < 0) { MS.moveSectionDown(); window.clearInterval(autoScrollTimer); } //scrolling up? else { MS.moveSectionUp(); window.clearInterval(autoScrollTimer); } } return false; } /** * Adds a css3 transform property to the container class with or without animation depending on the animated param. */ function transformContainer(container, translate3d, animated){ container.toggleClass('ms-easing', animated); container.css(getTransforms(translate3d)); } /** * Returns the transform styles for all browsers */ function getTransforms(translate3d){ return { '-webkit-transform': translate3d, '-moz-transform': translate3d, '-ms-transform':translate3d, 'transform': translate3d }; } /** * Activating the website navigation dots according to the given slide name. */ function activateNavDots(name, sectionIndex){ if(options.navigation){ $('#multiscroll-nav').find('.active').removeClass('active'); if(name){ $('#multiscroll-nav').find('a[href="#' + name + '"]').addClass('active'); }else{ $('#multiscroll-nav').find('li').eq(sectionIndex).find('a').addClass('active'); } } } /** * Activating the website main menu elements according to the given slide name. */ function activateMenuElement(name){ if(options.menu){ $(options.menu).find('.active').removeClass('active'); $(options.menu).find('[data-menuanchor="'+name+'"]').addClass('active'); } } /** * Retuns `up` or `down` depending on the scrolling movement to reach its destination * from the current section. */ function getYmovement(destiny){ var fromIndex = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active').index(); var toIndex = destiny.index(); if(fromIndex > toIndex){ return 'up'; } return 'down'; } /** * Sets the URL hash for a section with slides */ function setURLHash(anchorLink){ if(options.anchors.length){ location.hash = anchorLink; } setBodyClass(); } /** * Sets a class for the body of the page depending on the active section / slide */ function setBodyClass(){ var section = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active'); var sectionAnchor = section.data('anchor'); var sectionIndex = section.index(); var text = String(sectionIndex); if(options.anchors.length){ text = sectionAnchor; } //changing slash for dash to make it a valid CSS style text = text.replace('/', '-').replace('#',''); //removing previous anchor classes var classRe = new RegExp('\\b\\s?' + 'ms-viewing' + '-[^\\s]+\\b', "g"); $('body')[0].className = $('body')[0].className.replace(classRe, ''); //adding the current anchor $('body').addClass('ms-viewing-' + text); } /** * Checks for translate3d support * @return boolean * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5661671/detecting-transform-translate3d-support */ function support3d() { var el = document.createElement('p'), has3d, transforms = { 'webkitTransform':'-webkit-transform', 'OTransform':'-o-transform', 'msTransform':'-ms-transform', 'MozTransform':'-moz-transform', 'transform':'transform' }; // Add it to the body to get the computed style. document.body.insertBefore(el, null); for (var t in transforms) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { el.style[t] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)"; has3d = window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(transforms[t]); } } document.body.removeChild(el); return (has3d !== undefined && has3d.length > 0 && has3d !== "none"); } /** * Wraps an element in order to center it vertically by using a class style. */ function addTableClass(element){ element.addClass('ms-table').wrapInner('
    '); } /** * Gets the height of the section after removing the paddings. */ function getTableHeight(section){ var sectionHeight = windowHeight; if(options.paddingTop || options.paddingBottom){ var paddings = parseInt(section.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(section.css('padding-bottom')); sectionHeight = (windowHeight - paddings); } return sectionHeight; } /** * Scrolls the page to the existent anchor in the URL */ function scrollToAnchor(){ //getting the anchor link in the URL and deleting the `#` var sectionAnchor = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var section = $('.ms-left .ms-section[data-anchor="'+sectionAnchor+'"]'); if(sectionAnchor.length){ //if theres any # scrollPage(section); } } /** * Adds or remove the possiblity of scrolling through sections by using the keyboard arrow keys */ MS.setKeyboardScrolling = function (value){ options.keyboardScrolling = value; }; /** * Adds or remove the possiblity of scrolling through sections by using the mouse wheel or the trackpad. */ MS.setMouseWheelScrolling = function (value){ if(value){ addMouseWheelHandler(); }else{ removeMouseWheelHandler(); } }; /** * Defines the scrolling speed */ MS.setScrollingSpeed = function(value){ options.scrollingSpeed = value; }; var touchStartY = 0; var touchStartX = 0; var touchEndY = 0; var touchEndX = 0; /* Detecting touch events * As we are changing the top property of the page on scrolling, we can not use the traditional way to detect it. * This way, the touchstart and the touch moves shows an small difference between them which is the * used one to determine the direction. */ function touchMoveHandler(event){ var e = event.originalEvent; if(isReallyTouch(e)){ //preventing the easing on iOS devices event.preventDefault(); var activeSection = $('.ms-left .ms-section.active'); if (!isMoving) { //if theres any # var touchEvents = getEventsPage(e); touchEndY = touchEvents['y']; touchEndX = touchEvents['x']; //is the movement greater than the minimum resistance to scroll? if (Math.abs(touchStartY - touchEndY) > ($(window).height() / 100 * options.touchSensitivity)) { if (touchStartY > touchEndY) { MS.moveSectionDown(); } else if (touchEndY > touchStartY) { MS.moveSectionUp(); } } } } } /** * As IE >= 10 fires both touch and mouse events when using a mouse in a touchscreen * this way we make sure that is really a touch event what IE is detecting. */ function isReallyTouch(e){ //if is not IE || IE is detecting `touch` or `pen` return typeof e.pointerType === 'undefined' || e.pointerType != 'mouse'; } /** * Handler to get he coordinates of the starting touch */ function touchStartHandler(event){ var e = event.originalEvent; if(isReallyTouch(e)){ var touchEvents = getEventsPage(e); touchStartY = touchEvents['y']; touchStartX = touchEvents['x']; } } /** * Adds the possibility to auto scroll through sections on touch devices. */ function addTouchHandler(){ if(isTouch){ //Microsoft pointers MSPointer = getMSPointer(); $(document).off('touchstart ' + MSPointer.down).on('touchstart ' + MSPointer.down, touchStartHandler); $(document).off('touchmove ' + MSPointer.move).on('touchmove ' + MSPointer.move, touchMoveHandler); } } /** * Removes the auto scrolling for touch devices. */ function removeTouchHandler(){ if(isTouch){ //Microsoft pointers MSPointer = getMSPointer(); $(document).off('touchstart ' + MSPointer.down); $(document).off('touchmove ' + MSPointer.move); } } /* * Returns and object with Microsoft pointers (for IE<11 and for IE >= 11) * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dn304886(v=vs.85).aspx */ function getMSPointer(){ var pointer; //IE >= 11 if(window.PointerEvent){ pointer = { down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove"}; } //IE < 11 else{ pointer = { down: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove"}; } return pointer; } /** * Gets the pageX and pageY properties depending on the browser. * https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/issues/194#issuecomment-34069854 */ function getEventsPage(e){ var events = []; events.y = (typeof e.pageY !== 'undefined' && (e.pageY || e.pageX) ? e.pageY : e.touches[0].pageY); events.x = (typeof e.pageX !== 'undefined' && (e.pageY || e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.touches[0].pageX); //in touch devices with scrollBar:true, e.pageY is detected, but we have to deal with touch events. #1008 if(isTouch && isReallyTouch(e)){ events.y = e.touches[0].pageY; events.x = e.touches[0].pageX; } return events; } /** * Destroy multiscroll.js plugin's events */ MS.destroy = function() { MS.setKeyboardScrolling(false); MS.setMouseWheelScrolling(false); removeTouchHandler(); $(window) .off('hashchange', hashChangeHandler) .off('resize', doneResizing); $(document) .off('mouseenter', '#multiscroll-nav li') .off('mouseleave', '#multiscroll-nav li') .off('click', '#multiscroll-nav a'); }; /** * Build multiscroll.js plugin's events after destroy */ MS.build = function() { MS.setKeyboardScrolling(true); MS.setMouseWheelScrolling(true); addTouchHandler(); $(window) .on('hashchange', hashChangeHandler) .on('resize', doneResizing); $(document) .on('mouseenter', '#multiscroll-nav li', navMouseEnterHandler) .on('mouseleave', '#multiscroll-nav li', navMouseLeaveHandler) .on('click', '#multiscroll-nav a', navClickHandler); }; }; })(jQuery, window, document, Math);