The Boardwalk is prestige, an unrivaled interpretation of work and place inspiring big ideas and bold initiatives. By concentrating on inspiring success, the workday environment bridges who you are, how you want to work and where you want to be.
A destination for the brightest, forward-thinking companies, The Boardwalk reinvents the traditional office with an abundance of architectural innovation and outdoor design rarely, if ever, seen in contemporary commercial developments.
Signature bridgeways and outdoor terraces integrated into the design give The Boardwalk a feeling of freedom and movement that inspires a completely new way to think about workspace. Inside, open floor plates and contiguous space create an opportunity for an entire company to collaborate and work together seamlessly.
Outside, over two acres of meticulously planned open-air features allow individuals and small groups to take full advantage of our world-famous coastal identity.
The Boardwalk is a unique opportunity for companies to attract the best people and empower them to do their best work at an address that they can truly be proud of.